About Alina Cristina

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Alina Cristina Buteica is a wellness & leadership coach and growth hacker, partnering with companies and individuals in order to help them lean into the art of living well and in alignment with their highest purpose.

A best-selling author on feminine leadership, she is passionate about helping individuals and companies really tap into their next level of intuition, creativity, connected-ness and service to the world.

She is passionate about inspiring people to lead from within.

Her journey is nothing short of extraordinary. By the time she reached her early 30s, she was a graduate of 3 business schools with a specialization in “Organization, Change & Strategy” and had lived and worked in 17 countries on 3 continents.

Over 3 years, she built from the base up the largest management programs academy for the fastest growing tech company in Africa, the first 1 billion$ company on the continent. She has collaborated with people and organizations of the most diverse backgrounds (from automobile industry to logistics, to NGOs, to tech and e-commerce).

Her openness, curiosity, kindness and thirst of knowledge has allowed Alina to become highly adaptable to all environments she has worked in.

In a non-judgmental and 100% encouraging way, Alina has a keen sense of going straight into the heart of the matter with all leaders and organizations she engages with. She senses beyond the immediate and has a strong sense of empathy, coupled with laser-sharp focus. That is what makes her able to facilitate breakthroughs as well as new avenues for growth.

Her greatest joy comes from seeing people and their organizations rise to the next level of their own evolution.

Alina brings an ecosystem approach to all her partnerships and likes to bridge knowledge from various fields and bring it into the entrepreneurial and corporate world.

That is why, when she is not working, you will find her travelling extensively throughout the world, studying mindfulness, nutrition, meditation, yoga, Akashic readings and ancient energy therapies or simply enjoying music, art, poetry and the living architecture of places she is in.

The biggest, most rewarding journey you will ever take – is the journey into yourself! It’s the journey of discovery and activation of all your innate potential.
— Alina Cristina Buteica, Growth Hives

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my story

Alina has published her feminine leadership story together with 35 inspiring women from across the world, in the celebrated Ignite series, which went International Best Seller in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Ignite-Your-Female-Leadership-Thirty-five-ebook/dp/B07TW9MQPJ