Burnout at work: how it happens and the effects

This post & newsletter today has a bitter sweet nuance to it.

It’s never easy to look into this topic, yet it is necessary now more than ever. And I hold such deep gratitude for those times that shaped me into who I am today and the business woman I have become.

Back in 2018, I had gone through several promotions in the company I was in, yet I was alone in running a one-person department, within a large company of then 3,000 employees.

Maybe you can relate: lots of pressure at work, high stakes, not being able to say No and constantly filling up your plate with more, more demands and wanting to stay at the top of the game.

This, coupled with less and less time for your personal life and relationships, no time for your passions, little to no time for a healthy lifestyle and proper sleep.

These are all the signs of a downhill journey, if not addressed in time. Burnouts are never pretty and they are the signs of a much deeper, inner battle.

In my case, the burnout I had in 2018 was really rough at the time, but it turned out to be my breakthrough journey. After being rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with severe exhaustion, I knew this was my huge warning signal. Something needed to change. I looked at the way I was working and leading my life, the externally-imposed principles of productivity and high achievement above all else and found that they no longer resonated with me.

And guess what? Today I am still at high productivity and achieving my goals, one by one, but from a place of deep seated inner peace, healthy relationships, a clear & motivating vision for what I am here to build in this life and foundational work & life principles that give me energy, rather than deplete me.

After my burnout and leaving the company I was working with at that time, I took a sabbatical. It took me gradually over 3 months to recover my energy. When getting better, I dedicated myself to studying and immersing into topics that all had to do with bringing back balance in my life: from mindfulness, to energy management, heightened intuition, life visioning processes, the role of feminine & masculine energies in life and at work and how to balance them, to personal development and building long term wellbeing.

After getting certified in 7 different methods that are on the cutting edge of today’s personal growth and development scene, I decided to incorporate them in my work and I immediately started seeing beautiful results.

Today I run 2 brands, live by the ocean in Portugal and enjoy healthy friendships and lifestyle, am able to visit my family often and my energy is higher than ever. Here is what my 2 brands focus on:

  • Growth Hives: for executives who want to experience growth for themselves and their company through wellbeing, energy management and burnout prevention programs

  • Illuminated Essence: holistic living and holistic feminine leadership (coaching women who want to build careers based on feminine energy principles)

And clients I’ve been working with, either 1-on-1 or through retreats (especially through my retreats in Portugal), have experienced what it means to gain their energy back, to develop a healthy relationship with themselves and their life & work vision and build a strong foundation for their growth. They are able to create sustainable success from inner balance, rather than depletion.

In the end, I would like to touch on a few points of why this world-wide burnout pandemic is so important to discuss today, more than ever.

1) First of all, it is on the rise : a 2024 Global Trends Report published by Mercer study shows that 8 in 10 employees are at risk of burnout this year. If you are not looking at and discussing this in your company seriously, then you risk point 2)

2) Company attrition rates are growing and turnover rates are rising, much like costs with hiring too!

3) The same study shows that the employees most susceptible to burnout are: women and generation Z and millennials. If you are not taking into consideration the younger generations’ needs for adequate programs for personal growth, then you risk having a high attrition rate in the long run.

Not to mention that the effects of long-term burnout on managers can be really severe:

  • Lack of motivation at work over time

  • Decreased sense of belonging

  • Decreased sense of belonging

  • Stress and mental and emotional overwhelm, exhaustion

  • Home and relationships negatively impacted, as there is little time, presence or willpower to allocate to them

The effects of burnt out managers on the company can be even more severe:

  • Lack of motivation of employees affecting company productivity

  • Human error and lack of accuracy in work abounds in companies where burnout is higher

  • Mental wellbeing in companies is also becoming a huge topic, caused by stress and burnout

  • Lack of cohesion of the teams, especially when burnout is not addressed or hidden

  • High attrition and turnover rates

  • High constant costs with hiring and new benefit plans for new managers and employees

    This can be all avoided when the problem is addressed from the root cause, before it gets bigger.

    One of the 4 main solutions I suggested in the recent TEDx Talk I gave, is that companies have access to a life & energy management coach for themselves and their managers and employees with high responsibilities. This allows them to find inner balance, clarity, developing a healthier relationship with themselves and their work.

    I am also putting together a series of trainings that are specifically oriented towards Wellbeing & Impact, for companies and their employees.

You are more than welcome to reach out for a discussion (I would love to hear from you!) if the above speaks to you and you would like to develop a plan to prevent burnout and invest in growth through wellbeing for your company.

Here’s to your expansion!

Photo Credits: @jaylag, Jerome Roussin